Bas Hendricks Dies at 40

November 30, -0001

DUIZEL, Holland - Bas Hendricks, the 40-year-old owner of Albatros, a Dutch weaver, and Asian Weavers, perished in a car crash Monday night, September 17 en route from the UK to his home in Holland.

"He had just driven through the tunnel and slick rainy roads caused him to lose control of his vehicle and hit a tree where he died on impact," according to Hans Dings, his longtime friend and business partner. Hendricks was alone at the time of the crash so Dings' report is a third party account.

Hendricks was in attendance at Cornelius DeKort's birthday party in Helmond, Holland just prior to the Decosit fair about 10 days ago. His friends remember he was laughing and having a great time. "Bas wanted us all to go on and live life," said Dings.

Dings will continue be principal of Albatros and Asian Weavers. Albatros was Bas' original company in textiles. Day-to-day management of Albatros will fall to Inge Vervest who was very active in Albatros for the last few years. Dings will also continue as a principal with Asian Weavers, the company also owned by Bas, Dings and Daniel Leung in China. "Bas was clear he wanted me to continue his work in both companies and that's what we will do," Dings said.

Hendricks was not married. He is survived by his parents and one brother.

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