Loosening Laws Lends International Identity to India's Texstyles

January 8, 2000

Bangalore, India – The India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) announced that because the Indian government has lifted trade restrictions, the sixth Texstyles show will be open to international exhibitors. The show, scheduled for February 2-5, 2000, at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi, announced the registration of 15 exhibitors from Taiwan, among others. The announcement marks a significant step by the organization toward its goal of making Texstyle a showcase for new overseas suppliers entering the Indian marketplace.

''The Texstyles show will become an international trade show,'' said Textile Commissioner D.C Khatua. He also said that beginning in 2001, the show will be held during October. ''This is a clear indication that we are adopting market-driven demands.

''We expect a large turnout as the overall trade sentiments in the industry are revived,'' said Khatua. ''We also have indications that the Japanese economy is looking up, and that revival in the remaining Asian centers and buyers from Europe will be substantial. We expect a strong turnout from a buoyant U.S. market in particular,'' he added. Indications are that import policies will be further loosened and that non-regulatory policies will be put in place, because the Indian government has interpreted recent World Trade Organization guidelines to mean that India should import greater quantities as well as reduce duties on imported textiles. Time will tell how effectively Indian textile producers, once insulated from foreign competition by legislation, will adapt to global markets and greater competition.

The show had been continually recording increased attendance by visitors and exhibitors but recorded a 10-percent decrease in 1999. Organizers attributed the to overall sluggishness in the marketplace and the Asian crisis. But they expect the show will attract more attention from both exhibitors and buyers with its new international presence.

In an effort to attract more visitors, ITPO has also stepped up its marketing campaign. ''This time we have included new territories to focus upon, such as Italy. The thrust will continue in Europe, the U.S. and Japan,'' said Pradeep Laroia, Senior General Manager of ITPO.

Also, to remedy the confusion and inconvenience reported by exhibitors and visitors of home furnishings, ITPO has physically re-structured Texstyles so that home furnishings exhibit separately from the rest of the show. Hall 14 has been reserved exclusively for housing decorative upholstery fabrics and accessories. The Silk Export Promotion Council will showcase its members' export products in Hall 18.

''This will ensure a more friendly, convenient movement of the visitors who will not get lost like in the past,'' said Laroia.

Texstyles' reorganization will make it more convenient for overseas buyers to forge sourcing relationships with Indian exhibitors of home furnishings accessories who show only at Texstyles, Laroia explained.

He also said that buyers at the fair would find exclusive products, because most of the Indian exhibitors in Texstyles are small and medium-sized companies whose small budgets prohibit them from participating in other shows. F&FI

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