Kravet Brands

3M Launches Major Consumer Effort to Promote Scotchgard Products

September 5, 1999

New York - An advertising campaign with an eight figure media budget is being launched in the USA by 3M to promote its entire line of Scotchgard'  products using the theme: 'Got a life? Gotta Ask for Scotchgard.'
The tagline reads 'There's protection. Then there's Scotchgard protection.'' This will be incorporated into new logotype, hangtags and labels identifying the numerous formulations of Scotchgard protection, the company said.

Eventually, the campaign will deliver over a half billion impressions keyed to carpet, apparel and upholstery products. The purpose of the campaign is to refresh the image of Scotchgard and move the goods with 3M's distribution and retail partners.
The second phase of the promotion will be launched in Europe under the watchful eyes of Tony Kirbach and Dr. Ulrike Mÿhlen both European marketing communications managers based in Neuss, Germany and the third phase will be rolled out in Asia,'' said Martin Blyth, Scotchgard brand manager. The three were part of a 3M press conference, along with other 3M officials. 'About 95 percent of the world's consumers are outside the USA,'' Blyth said. There are consumers in Asia who have never heard of Scotchgard.''
'This trademark sells whatever it is on. The customer gives a Scotchgard treated article a second look,'' said Mike Harnetty, division vice president, 3M Protective Materials Division.
This is the first consumer advertising campaign in ten years for the Scotchgard brand although it has been marketed since the mid 1950's for upholstered furniture and home textiles. 3M is running the advertisements through its agency Grey Advertising Inc. The campaign consists of 21 insertions in various magazines to start in the autumn time period, a total of 80 insertions in 16 months running through 2000. The advertising campaign is designed to reach women ages 25-54 and all adults aged 18-34, in a 75/25-audience breakdown.
'We'll reach 80 percent of this target audience over eight times,'' said Blyth. 'There will be 130 million impressions alone on 3M's fleet of trucks plus in store posters. We want to make sure Scotchgard is the brand of choice when consumers are making a product selection. Home fashions have a place but it's not as high on our list. We would like home fashions to be a more important market for Scotchgard, especially in Europe.''
'Floor covering already rings the cash register for us in a big way. Asia is not a floor covering market at this time,'' Harnetty said.
3M held focus groups with consumers in order to formulate the correct campaign. The brand has a 95 percent unaided awareness. Wirthlin Worldwide, an international research firm based in Chicago, IL, conducted the research on behalf of 3M.
'Any mill which treats products with Scotchgard must meet certain criteria, particularly as our business in Asia grows. We're going to police the proper usage of Scotchgard by the mills, wherever they might be. We find it amusing that an Asian supplier will knock off a print pattern for export to the U.S. and include the Scotchgard logotype on the selvage because of the high brand recognition and prestige it lends the knockoff of the design. If it's important for a design pirate to include the 3M logotype, why don't more legitimate fabric mills treat their fabrics with Scotchgard?'' said Harnetty.

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