Rockland Mills Exhausts Bidders List

Company will close if no buyer found

August 12, 2021


MIAMI BEACH, FL—Roc-lon® the iconic brand which was first to develop the blackout fabric market, is rapidly nearing extinction.
After 18 months of looking for a buyer and with few options left, there are still no bidders for the company.

Rockland principal Mark Berman will be forced to close Rockland Mills and parent Rockland Industries Inc. in the next few months although he will retain land associated with the company in Bamberg, SC. Berman was contacted but was not available for comment.

Darren Fradin, the President, left the company in early August after 11 years. He has been involved with textile sales since 1997.
His future plans are not yet known.

“Roc-lon blackout was a game-changer, an innovation that helped countless people get a better night’s sleep,” says Fradin. It was an honor to be a part of the company whose product became so integral to the hospitality industry.”


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