Greenbank Taps Mitchell, Contract Sales Director

November 30, -0001

LEICESTERSHIRE, UK — Carolyn Mitchell has been named group contract sales director for Walker Greenbank fabric brands based in Leicestershire, UK.

In her new post, Mitchell is responsible for all contract sales for Sandersons, Zoffany, Harlequin, Harris and Jewel.

She also has an international role within the group overseeing export contract sales as well. She reports to David Smallridge, Walker Greenbank brands managing director.

Mitchell was managing director of the UK subsidiary of Creation Baumann, a Swiss company for three years, prior to her new position. Before that, she was contract sales manager for Monkwell for about 12 years.

Mitchell is also the vice chairmen of the British Contract Furnishing Association and expects to be named chairman of this group next year.

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